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If you are a computer nerd but also love biology, bioinformatics may be the best path. A strong grasp of mathematics is essential in this concentration. Bioinformatics is fundamentally about the application of computer-based approaches to the understanding of biological processes. Today's technology has given us high-capacity analysis of genes and proteins which make it necessary to integrate informatics when solving biological problems.

O*Net Online: Bioinformatics scientists conduct research using bioinformatics theory and methods in areas such as pharmaceuticals, medical technology, biotechnology, computational biology, proteomics, computer information science, biology and medical informatics. May design databases and develop algorithms for processing and analyzing genomic information, or other biological information. The median annual wage for bioinformatics is $85,290. Employment of bioinformaticians is projected to grow 1 to 2 percent from 2019 to 2029.