James E. Garrison Sensory Lab - Research
Sensory Publications (Since 2013)
- Schilling, M.W., Silva, J.L. Pham, A.J., Kim, T, D’Abramo, L.R., Jackson, V. 2013. Sensory enhancement of freshwater prawns through salt acclimation prior to harvesting. J. Aquat. Food Product Technology. 22:129-136.
- Kamadia, V.V., Schilling, M.W., Marshall, D.L. 2013. Effect of cooking and packaging methods on consumer acceptability and shelf-life of Ready-to-Eat shrimp. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 22:146-159.
- Kin, S., Graham, R.G., Tolentino, A.C., Pham, A.J., Smith, B.S., Kim, T., Silva, J.L., Schilling, M.W. 2013. Physiochemical and sensory properties of smoked catfish sausage. J. Aquatic Food Product Technology. 22:496-507.
- Crist, C.A., Williams, J.B., Schilling, M.W., Hood, A.F., Smith, B.S., Campano, S.G. 2014. Impact of sodium lactate and acetic acid derivatives on the quality of fresh Italian pork sausage links. Meat Science. 96:1509:1516.
- Desai, M.D. Joseph, P., Suman, S., Silva, J., Kim, T., Schilling, M.W. 2014. Proteomic characterization of the red color defect in raw channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillets. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 57:141-148.
- Ciaramella, M., Allen, P., Joseph, P., D’Abramo, L. Silva, J.L., Kim, T., Kurve, V., Zhao, Y., Desai. M.A. Schilling, M.W. 2014. Effect of salt treatments on survival and consumer acceptability of freshwater prawn, Macrobranchium rosenbergii. Aquaculture. 428-429C:184-188.
- Desai, M.A., Kurve, V., Soni, K., Smith, B.S., Campano, S.G. Schilling, M.W. 2014. Utilization of buffered vinegar to increase the shelf-life of chicken retail cuts packaged in a carbon dioxide atmosphere. Poultry Science. 93:1850:1854.
- Kurve, V., Joseph, P. Williams, J.B., Boland, H., Riffell, S.K., Schilling, M.W. 2015. Meat quality and consumer sensory acceptance of beef from cattle that are fed native warm season grasses during the stocker phase. Journal of Animal Science. 93: 5: 2576-2586
- Zhao, Y., Abbar, S., Phillips, T.W., Schilling, M.W. 2015. Phosphine Fumigation and Residues in Dry-Cured Ham in Commercial Applications. Meat Science. 107:55-63.
- Schilling, M.W., Radhakrishnan, V., Thaxton, Y.V., Christensen, K., Poulson, J., Williams, J.B. 2015. The effects of low atmosphere stunning and deboning time on the sensory attributes; and consumer acceptability of broiler breast using different cooking methods. Poultry Science. 94:1379-1388.
- Coker, C.E.H., Posadas, B., Schilling, M.W. 2015. Sensory evaluation studies provide growers with market insight. Acta Hortic. 1090:25-28.
- Kurve, V., Joseph, P. Williams, J.B., Boland, H., Riffell, S.K., Smith, T., Schilling, M.W. 2016. Meat quality and sensory attributes of beef from cattle that were fed native warm season grass during the stocker phase and finished on grain. Meat Science. 112:31-38.
- Zhao, Y., Abbar, S., Phillips, T.W., Schilling, M.W. 2016. Development of food-grade coatings for dry-cured ham. Meat Science. Meat Science. 113:73-79.
- Zhai, W., Schilling, M.W., Jackson, V., Peebles, E.D., Mercier, Y. 2016. Effects of dietary lysine and methionine supplementation on Ross 708 male broilers from 21 to 42 days of age (II): Breast meat quality. J. Applied Poultry Res.25:212-222.
- Coatney, K.T., Freeman, M.A., Allen, P.J., Ciaramella, M.A., Schilling, M.W. 2016. Willingness-to-Pay for Value-Added Freshwater Prawns. Aquaculture Economics and Management. doi:10.1080/13657305.2016.1180645
- Zhao, Y., Jackson, V., Ciaramella, M.A., Lolley, A.T., Allen, P.J., Schilling, M.W. 2016. Impact of marination, pre-harvest salt acclimation, and sodium chloride concentration on the sensory acceptability of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture Research. doi:10.1111/are.13044
- Alford, A. Schilling, M.W. Kaminski, R.M. 2016. Consumer acceptability of crayfish harvested from commercial production fields and moist-soil wetlands. J. Aquatic Food Product Technology. doi:0.1080/10498850.2014.961667.
- Desai, M., Jackson, V., Zhai, W., Suman, S.P., Nair, M., Beach, C., Schilling, M.W. 2016. Proteome basis of pale, soft, and exudative broiler breast (Pectoralis major) meat. Poultry Science. doi: 10.3382/ps/pew213
- Ciaramella, M.A., Allen, P.J., Kim, T., Avery, J.A., Schilling, M.W. 2016. The effects of sequential environmental and harvest stressors on the sensory characteristics of cultured channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillets. Journal of Food Science. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.13374