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Sensory Lab - Research

James E. Garrison Sensory Lab - Research

Sensory Publications (Since 2013)

  1. Schilling, M.W., Silva, J.L. Pham, A.J., Kim, T, D’Abramo, L.R., Jackson, V. 2013. Sensory enhancement of freshwater prawns through salt acclimation prior to harvesting. J. Aquat. Food Product Technology. 22:129-136.
  2. Kamadia, V.V., Schilling, M.W., Marshall, D.L. 2013. Effect of cooking and packaging methods on consumer acceptability and shelf-life of Ready-to-Eat shrimp. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 22:146-159.
  3. Kin, S., Graham, R.G., Tolentino, A.C., Pham, A.J., Smith, B.S., Kim, T., Silva, J.L., Schilling, M.W. 2013. Physiochemical and sensory properties of smoked catfish sausage. J. Aquatic Food Product Technology. 22:496-507.
  4. Crist, C.A., Williams, J.B., Schilling, M.W., Hood, A.F., Smith, B.S., Campano, S.G. 2014. Impact of sodium lactate and acetic acid derivatives on the quality of fresh Italian pork sausage links. Meat Science. 96:1509:1516.
  5. Desai, M.D. Joseph, P., Suman, S., Silva, J., Kim, T., Schilling, M.W. 2014. Proteomic characterization of the red color defect in raw channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillets. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 57:141-148.
  6. Ciaramella, M., Allen, P., Joseph, P., D’Abramo, L. Silva, J.L., Kim, T., Kurve, V., Zhao, Y., Desai. M.A. Schilling, M.W. 2014. Effect of salt treatments on survival and consumer acceptability of freshwater prawn, Macrobranchium rosenbergii. Aquaculture. 428-429C:184-188.
  7. Desai, M.A., Kurve, V., Soni, K., Smith, B.S., Campano, S.G. Schilling, M.W. 2014. Utilization of buffered vinegar to increase the shelf-life of chicken retail cuts packaged in a carbon dioxide atmosphere. Poultry Science. 93:1850:1854.
  8. Kurve, V., Joseph, P. Williams, J.B., Boland, H., Riffell, S.K., Schilling, M.W. 2015. Meat quality and consumer sensory acceptance of beef from cattle that are fed native warm season grasses during the stocker phase. Journal of Animal Science. 93: 5: 2576-2586
  9. Zhao, Y., Abbar, S., Phillips, T.W., Schilling, M.W. 2015. Phosphine Fumigation and Residues in Dry-Cured Ham in Commercial Applications. Meat Science. 107:55-63.
  10. Schilling, M.W., Radhakrishnan, V., Thaxton, Y.V., Christensen, K., Poulson, J., Williams, J.B. 2015. The effects of low atmosphere stunning and deboning time on the sensory attributes; and consumer acceptability of broiler breast using different cooking methods. Poultry Science. 94:1379-1388.
  11. Coker, C.E.H., Posadas, B., Schilling, M.W. 2015. Sensory evaluation studies provide growers with market insight. Acta Hortic. 1090:25-28.
  12. Kurve, V., Joseph, P. Williams, J.B., Boland, H., Riffell, S.K., Smith, T., Schilling, M.W. 2016. Meat quality and sensory attributes of beef from cattle that were fed native warm season grass during the stocker phase and finished on grain. Meat Science. 112:31-38.
  13. Zhao, Y., Abbar, S., Phillips, T.W., Schilling, M.W. 2016. Development of food-grade coatings for dry-cured ham. Meat Science. Meat Science. 113:73-79.
  14. Zhai, W., Schilling, M.W., Jackson, V., Peebles, E.D., Mercier, Y. 2016. Effects of dietary lysine and methionine supplementation on Ross 708 male broilers from 21 to 42 days of age (II): Breast meat quality. J. Applied Poultry Res.25:212-222.
  15. Coatney, K.T., Freeman, M.A., Allen, P.J., Ciaramella, M.A., Schilling, M.W. 2016. Willingness-to-Pay for Value-Added Freshwater Prawns. Aquaculture Economics and Management. doi:10.1080/13657305.2016.1180645
  16. Zhao, Y., Jackson, V., Ciaramella, M.A., Lolley, A.T., Allen, P.J., Schilling, M.W. 2016. Impact of marination, pre-harvest salt acclimation, and sodium chloride concentration on the sensory acceptability of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture Research. doi:10.1111/are.13044
  17. Alford, A. Schilling, M.W. Kaminski, R.M. 2016. Consumer acceptability of crayfish harvested from commercial production fields and moist-soil wetlands. J. Aquatic Food Product Technology. doi:0.1080/10498850.2014.961667.
  18. Desai, M., Jackson, V., Zhai, W., Suman, S.P., Nair, M., Beach, C., Schilling, M.W. 2016. Proteome basis of pale, soft, and exudative broiler breast (Pectoralis major) meat. Poultry Science. doi: 10.3382/ps/pew213
  19. Ciaramella, M.A., Allen, P.J., Kim, T., Avery, J.A., Schilling, M.W. 2016. The effects of sequential environmental and harvest stressors on the sensory characteristics of cultured channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillets. Journal of Food Science. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.13374